Tending the Mother: A Mother’s Circle

A nurturing environment to connect with fellow mothers, freely sharing your celebrations, fears, and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment or interruption. This is a space where every facet of your journey – the light and the dark - will be welcomed and witnessed.

Whether you're a new mother navigating unfamiliar terrain, a seasoned mama seeking acknowledgment for your unique journey, or someone in between, this circle is designed for you.

Recognising matrescence, the transformative process of becoming a mother, as both beautiful and challenging, I firmly believe that we're not meant to navigate it alone. I believe that every mother deserves to be held and supported throughout this profound transformation.

Each gathering comprises an opening circle and sharing session, a guided meditation, time for personal reflection and intention setting, and a closing circle. With time for tea and community connection afterwards.

Within the Circle, you have the chance to rediscover yourself and your intuition, form connections with like-minded women, and experience genuine understanding and visibility for your unique motherhood journey.

Please contact sasha@sashakerman.com for upcoming circles.